This item has worked out great for my work space: a magnet bar! I have a bulletin board on the wall above my desk. My magnet bar is mounted on that, within easy reach.
I put frequently used tools on the bar. In this photo, I have a hole punch, burnisher, awl, pliers, cutters, leather punch, scissors, and there is even a chasing hammer (metalsmithing) up there sometimes, too. The utility knives just happen to sit nicely on top.
The greatest thing about this is that I don't have to get up or dig around for a tool when I'm in the middle of a project- I can just reach up and grab it. Saves time and aggravation!! It also keeps the extra tools off of my desk. If I only need a particular tool once, I will put it right back up on the bar when I'm done with it. I will have to upgrade to a 2nd bar eventually!
Magnet bars can be found at home improvement stores and Harbor Freight often has them on sale for a few dollars!
Great tip! Will have to use that.