Saturday, March 25, 2017

Tack Tip: Test Scraps and a New Saddle

There is nothing worse than trying a new technique on a project and it just doesn't work.

When trying something new (or even if you're experienced at it), one of the best things you can do is practice on some scrap leather.

I haven't made a Western saddle since 2013, so I needed to practice carving.
(I carve freehand on things this small)

I had been doing full-sized carving for a while, so switching back to carving in model-sized scale was tricky!
The lower scrap was just coming out too large for what I wanted, so I tried again on the top scrap.

 Practice pieces have a second fantastic use- testing out leather dyes and/or finishes!!

It's always a good idea to test out leather dyes and such before putting it on a project, to make sure it is the color/look that you were hoping for. I needed a different shade of brown, and I really liked the test piece on the right for my new saddle.

Carved fenders

Carving upper skirt (my swivel knife is shown)

Ready for color!!

Assembled quickly in time for a show, and I will go back and add more small details in later.

Reserve Champion Ranch Horse at Mid-Atlantic Regionals (MAR) last weekend for Bar Skippin Star, who wore the brand new set.

Practice paid off, allowing me to figure out what I wanted and needed to do to create my project successfully!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

National Model Tack Month - April 2017 & NaMoPaiMo

February 2017 was "NaMoPaiMo" / National Model Painting Month, where over 300 people joined a challenge to get a model horse painted within the month of February.  Over 200 people completed their declared horse to paint, and some people painted even more models!

The wonderful comraderie and learning experience from the NaMoPaiMo facebook group created interest in starting National Model Tack Month! Here is the facebook page that was started for the group:

It will be a fun experience of learning and sharing techniques and ideas. If you are interested in participating in the challenge, join the National Model Tack Month facebook group! In March, declare what your personal tack making goal will be to make. In April, begin making tack! Sharing progress photos or tack making tips during the month is encouraged. Even if you are late to the tack making party, you can still join in on the fun!

My goal for the month is to make a traditional-sized fully carved Western saddle with no silver, except for possibly some conchos. I haven't made one since 2013, so it's a great reason to get me making tack again.

I participated in NaMoPaiMo as well. My goal was to try airbrushing for the second time (first time on my own), and try masking with blue painter's tape. I did successfully complete my model in February and I am happy with it! It's not perfect, but it is a large painting achievement for myself.

Here are some photos of my painting journey:

I think he just might need a new saddle... :]